About Me

- Dixiana baby!!
- Welcome to my blog.I like writing,music,the great outdoors travel,shopping , new places,the adventure of marriage and the small pleasures of life.im just out going love to meet new people probobly the sweetest person ull ever meet!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
My love story
It was summer 2004 when i seen him coming up those stairs at the train station in new jersey! I was visiting my dad hadn't seen him in 4 years or had gone to new jersey for 4 years.My sis introduced us she called him to come meet me so he came funny thing is that we seen each other pics we both said wed never like each other.So when i seen him after he got up the stairs its like right then at that moment cupid hit me and him with an arrow cause it was love at first sight! When we looked at each other its like the world stops and the only one moving was us.But all i know is that our love was so strong that no one could have separated us or get in between and we fought for it till finally we ended up together.In my case my parents tried to separate us but couldn't.After that the rest is history we been together ever since!when he was gone to work id sleep with his shirt so i can still smell n kinda fell as if he was next to me god how crazy does love make you hu!Hes like this perfect guy just made for me he makes me smile he makes me laugh he makes me happy when I'm sad!He just brings out the best of me!Its like he was born for me and i was made for him. Its like from the beginning i have been blessed to have him in my life and i know now as long as i live i will always love you i promise you this.Their is nothing i wouldn't give for him. Hes the reason i believe in love cause at one point i almost gave up.I love him so mush i feel like my life wouldn't be complete if he wasn't by my side. I took a chance with my heart and will never regret it!I'm so glad to have him and i know it ain't easy loving me i appreciate the love and dedication from you to me!I will love you from the dephs of my soul its beyond my control.I thank you for all the joy you brought to my life for all the love i found in you.I love you because you lift me up and never let me fall.I could just stay awake just to hear him breathing watch him smile while he is sleeping and wondering if its me he is seeing. I swear i could stay lost in this moment forever every moment i spend with him i treasure.I love laying close to him feeling his heart beating cause i know its beating that way for me,and i kiss him and thank god we are together!Being with him makes me realize i don't need anyone else!For those who haven't fell in love one day someone will walk in to your life then you realize love was always worth waiting for.Boo i wrote your name in my heart and forever it ll stay!Loving you its easy cause your beautiful.I changed in so many ways for one reason you!Dedicated to him!
Friday, August 20, 2010
My favorite star
Cameron diaz wow what can i say shes an amazing actress i love most of her movies because she is funny ,clumsy,pretty,and at the same time has a bad side but most of her movies she has a smile and that is what i like best!I like her cause she kinda reminds me of my self.Like most actress she came from the bottom and made it to the top on her own and that's the biggest accomplishments you can be proud of to have success and thank yourself for it and throw it in the the people faces that doubted you.Cameron loves to write like i do has a few journals so says her biography lol i think writing is so good especially when you have so much bottled in. I write before i go to sleep and i feel so much better after ,their so many things you can learn of an star but by reading their biography makes it even better especially if their your favorite star makes me more interested in them.I think whats really fun is reading your journal a month later or a year later and realizing how much you have changed.I think that's the best thing of growing up.Cameron diaz movies just always catches my eyes and mostly is cause shes in it i laugh so hard my stomach starts to hurt!Shes gorgeous and i think that even if the years past and she gets older she looks better and better she looks more confident and strong.I guess when you get older everything is easier you have alot more experience and enough restraint to think that impulse to behave a certain way because you know already where its going to end, you have the stragedy to get to a happier place.hope she keeps up the good work!
My #1 movies
When i think of great movies only two pop up in my head and its The notebook and Dirty dancing!They are the best movies i know.They both have mostly the same message two girls fell in love their parents are rich and want the best for their daughters and its a rich guy so she can have it all and in the end their girl ends up with a guy they would least expect and the live this crazy romantic adventure!I like to see movies or shows that i can relate to or see things i experienced.It kinda makes me see how in life you make mistakes and see that not only in movies their can be a happy ending.I like Dirty dancing because it has love and most of all because of the danceing the young girl didn't even know she had it in her a few lessons and she was a great dancer.So whatever it is you may want to do go ahead give it a shot cause may never know how great you really can be.I my self love to dance might be a perfect dancer but i love it.Dancing is like expressing emotions that you feel towards that favorite song your listening to or just thinking of what memories you had when it came out!I like The note book because it shows that if you truely love someone then no matter who will try and get in the way you'll fight that love till the end.You wouldn't want o later on regret not fighting for love when it was in front of your face and you let it pass you by like it didn't matter to you!The way in the movie the cute couple had fun going out kissing every two seconds leaving to their house and every time they walked the only thing on their mind was each other.I think that's the way love should be expressed just plain love no arguing no screaming no disagreements but now in days its hard to see couples last all you see is breakups!But what matters in a couple is that when you argue you can turn it all around make the situation better, and make the relationships work because all couples have arguments its working it out that matters, instead of giving up knowing that you or he was wrong and apologizing and moving on and maybe later on laughing about it!In the movie the Notebook shows how beautiful love can really be if you know how to love or find that right person and that's why could watch it over and over again and i always cry!! I can relate to it because I'm so deeply in love.These two movies are the best and it just makes me see when you find that right person he or she is all you need to complete you!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Not afraid to be just 'ME"
Hey the name is dixiana a.k.a dixie. I'm not a perfect person cause trust me theirs many things i wish i didn't do but i continue learning from my mistakes every single day!I'm a easy person to get along with has long has you don't get on my bad side!I'm the kind of girl that when i put my feet on the floor each morning the devil says oh shit the bitch is up!I think life is to short to live life in regrets and i love the people who love me!I cherish the memories ignore any pain and smile!I see everyday people trying to be like other people the choices they make are other peoples opinions all i can say is be yourself! I like to be just my self say what i feel do what i want not caring what others think or say because clearly they are not me!When i was small i use to dream of being a millionaire but now i lived life and all i want is to be happy! Money isn't happiness their so many famous people that are rich but are miserable because they have no one to share it with.I enjoy dancing,singing,watching favorite shows ,movies,shopping,love kids, love texting talking on the phone.I have so many dreams n hope i can at least make one come true. I tell people don't give up life's more than just a mission they laugh but they don't listen!Life is full of hard decisions everyone makes mistakes and at some point you fall down and its getting up that counts because every time a door closes another one opens!One of my goals is to inspire people to be all they can be in life. I'm not that complicated i think anyone can see through me!I'm just me!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Being a mom ROCKS!
I was only 15 when i got pregnant like any other young girl didn't know what to expect i was very exited and filled with all other emotions! But when i gave birth and took a look at what i had made come to this world i felt this great happiness and its unexplainable.My kids help me grow and see things differently and because of them I'm the strong great women!People say you should wait till your old to have kids because you need to live life and have fun but i say age don't matter because i live this piece of happiness that is so great with them every single day and i wouldn't change it for nothing!People also say young girls are bad irresponsible mother and eventually they will want to party and leave their baby to someone else to take care of. Well I'm a young mom always wit my kids they don't bother me i actually cant live without them. And im a great mother and can say it cause i get it told to me everyday yes their is some moms that could careless of their kids but not all!Its very frustrating to me how people can stair and judge every teen or young mom just because of the once who drink party and smoke in front of their kids not giving a damn how that affects their kid and not thinking that when their kid gets bigger will follow their foot steps!Being a mom is a blessing to me.All ya moms who don't spend time wit your kids need to get ya head straight and be a better parent to your child! And please don't use the excuse i got pregnant and couldn't finish school because you can always go back!For ya ignorant moms I ain't mean I'm realistic!!I enjoy being a mom because I'm never alone and in my thoughts i always think twice for myself and my kids!Being a full time mom is one of the highest salaried jobs why you ask because payment is PURE LOVE!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Whats your defenition of the word"FRIEND"?
Let me just start by saying their is too many fake people in this world!! Too many pretenders to be what their not to hurt you!So let me say what i feel a friend is!Lets get something straight friendship isn't about whom you
have known the longest because if you see it like that just think about how many times you felt alone or was going threw a tough time n those who new you for so long didn't care but friends you just met did so think about it this way friendship is who came and never left your side no matter what the situation was!Also no real friend will judge just tells you the truth even though it may be bad. A good friend is the one who understands your past believes in your feature and accepts you the way you are!A reall friend is someone you trust and always call when your upset and they"ll support you you"ll always want them in your life will need them they"re not your friends at one point more like "BEST FRIENDS" and in the end you"ll be glad you found them because you know that without those friends you"d be lost!Just like memories last forever never does it die true friends stay together and never say goodbye!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Hate guys who call themeselves a MAN and act like immature kids
First of all guys ya need stop thinking gang banging is cute cause it isn't ya need to make smart decisions
and stop doing things to impress the rest of the people!Guys with violence and being all the time in the street all you going to catch is a court case and those wanna be gangstas are the once who cry for some support!How tough are ya then?Today in this world their hardly guys you can call "dad" theirs only mad mothers!!Some guys have kids and leave the mom taking care of everything like having a baby don't take 2!!Ya always say these quotes "sorry baby ima change" 'Im a man and we make mistakes please forgive me"
like it'll make it all better!!!Ya say ya always right ya never wrong because ya so selfish can see your own mistakes!!Ya fool of broken promises so much for the happy ending!Always pretending to be someone else because your afraid to be yourself!ya always expect so much from girls and everything a girl does is wrong to ya!!But in the end ya act like this because your guilty inside knowing you want to change but are afraid to!!Ya act has if you don't have any emotion when a girl leaves ya ya act like ya don't care tryna act koo so no one notices that you are just tryna keep yourself from going crazy!!So guys stop acting immature GROW UP!!
and stop doing things to impress the rest of the people!Guys with violence and being all the time in the street all you going to catch is a court case and those wanna be gangstas are the once who cry for some support!How tough are ya then?Today in this world their hardly guys you can call "dad" theirs only mad mothers!!Some guys have kids and leave the mom taking care of everything like having a baby don't take 2!!Ya always say these quotes "sorry baby ima change" 'Im a man and we make mistakes please forgive me"
like it'll make it all better!!!Ya say ya always right ya never wrong because ya so selfish can see your own mistakes!!Ya fool of broken promises so much for the happy ending!Always pretending to be someone else because your afraid to be yourself!ya always expect so much from girls and everything a girl does is wrong to ya!!But in the end ya act like this because your guilty inside knowing you want to change but are afraid to!!Ya act has if you don't have any emotion when a girl leaves ya ya act like ya don't care tryna act koo so no one notices that you are just tryna keep yourself from going crazy!!So guys stop acting immature GROW UP!!
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