Their are many ways you live a better and Happy life.Its a process is about learning to love and value yourself enough to stop destroying yourself.Its about forgiving yourself and others.Its about letting go of shame and accepting your true self.Letting go of perfection and learn to use anger as a fuel to create something good rather then holding it inside until you self destruct or strike out at another.Its knowing we all have a choice we can choose to be hopeful rather than hopeless or choose to act from faith not fear and you can choose to enjoy life rather than live it in fear n be miserable!Only you know WATS best for you! You cannot listen to what others want you to do you must listen to yourself.Family,friends, do not know what you must do and you know and only you can do what is right for you.So start now you ll overcome many obstacles go against the judgement of many people and let them not get to you.But you can have whatever you want if you try hard enough.So try now and you will live a life designed by you and for you and you will love your life.people be thankful for the life you have because others are fighting to survive.Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.If you did what would their be to look forward to?Be thankful when you don't know something for it gives you the opportunity to learn.Be glad for the difficult times because they help you grow.Be thankful for each new challenge because it builds your strength and character.Be thankful for your mistakes it teaches you valuable lessons.Be thank full for limitations because it makes us improve your life.Be thankful when your tired because it means you've made an effort.A life of rich fulfillment's comes to those who try to make the best of their life and want to be happy and change a negative to a positive. Always find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they may become your blessings.Hope this can open peoples hearts and eyes towards their choice to live!
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