About Me

- Dixiana baby!!
- Welcome to my blog.I like writing,music,the great outdoors travel,shopping , new places,the adventure of marriage and the small pleasures of life.im just out going love to meet new people probobly the sweetest person ull ever meet!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Cristian's Surviving Neurofibromatosis part 6
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Stop judging Young mothers!
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Dear My forever friend...
Honestly Maria, becoming friends with you… I should have done a hell of a lot sooner. You’re by far, one of the most honest, loving, caring, trustworthy, hilarious, spontaneous, joyful, gorgeous, smartest, realist, kindest and humble people I have ever met. I’m not just saying that, I really mean it. Somehow whenever I’m upset—sure people can make me feel better—but you also make me feel sort of… calmer, I guess would be the word. If I have an overly shitty day or some douchebag decides to start something, you’re the first person I go to because you manage to make me feel better about the situation completely, you manage to calm me down and help me be more rational, instead of what other people say telling me to just brush it off my shoulder and move on or don't be dramatic or the one i hate most "Things happen for a reason" You manage to get my mind off of it completely and sincerely, helping me to cease all over-analyzing and joke around to have a laugh instead. You have given me some of the best advice I’ve ever received, I can’t even tell you how smart you are hun omg! We laugh at each other more than is humanly possible. most people don’t know how crazy we are. Hehe!So, dearest Maria I’d like to also thank you for a couple of things:
Thank you for always being closest to me even when we were in separate places and most important separate stages in life. Thank you for not letting us get split by dumb facts like distance or time. Thank you for never giving up on our friendship, for never shrugging and being like “Eh, things change, people change” and drifting away! We all get distant to a certain degree when we make huge transitions but you didn’t let me get very far because you knew what was truly important our friendship!
Thank you for doing all the things a real best friend does; for letting me trust you any issue on the phone, text or video chat when I need to, for refusing to let me cry or feel alone.Thank you for always knowing who I am and reminding me of that when I forget. Thank you for being genuinely concerned with the outcome of my life and always listening, even when you’re tired. Thank you for telling me things straight up sparing the bullshit advice, by instead giving me real advice that I’ve never once regretted taking. I can say our friendship is the most awsome and fun because we are miles apart but it's like we are always together!You’re my forever friend my sister my best friend I have ever had, and I want to thank you ultimately, for being you...
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Cristian's Surviving Neurofibromatosis part 5
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Cristian's Surviving Neurofibromatosis part 4
Even after scary news Cabral family enjoys every day and happy to feel blessed that Cristian doing well our faith and hope grows everyday! Now 7 years old, Cristian is a sweet and affectionate boy. He likes to color , sing songs and loves movies. He currently playing soccer since January 20,2015. Dixiana says I don't want people treat him in any special way but I do just ask for patience because although he may look fine act fine he is a boy with a rare condition that can strike any time an illness and even though he has gone through painful things "also called different"he still stands looks at you full of life he is by far strongest human I know! Dixiana says I tell my son being different is like being called limited edition meaning you are something people don't see often....