Cupido como es que encontraste la persona ideal para mi? siento este amor que vive en cada espasio de mi y aun cuando estoy con el siento pura felicidad que quisiera detener el tiempo.Cuando estoy con el es que yo pienso que si valio la pena la espera el llegar a mi.Cupido me mandaste un regalo bello que nose si es un sueno aun o es una rialidad pero cada dia que amanese esta llena de amor y felicidad nada es igual que ayer es mejor.Cupido dime como el corazon puede tener el control de una persona? Como alquien puede vivir en una carcel de amor? Yo soy la prisionera de esta carcel de amor condenada y todavia diciendo que jamas quiero salir que soy feliz.Cupido con el amor que me mandaste me has ensenado que si ai amor la distansia no importa por que lo que importa es estar juntos luchar por el amor para seguir asi hasta la eternidad.Cupido el hombre que me mandaste era el perfecto elegido que se merece todo y aun mas y si yo pudiera moriria y me enamoraria de el otravez.Cupido mil grasias por ponerme a un gran hombre en mi camino y por eso se lo que es amar y ser amado. Hoy yo amo como ya no se ama y cada vez que me levanto y tengo a mi amor a mi lado
me siento renovada. y es por ti cupido que puedo hablar de amor Gracias por que es bello sentir que late mi corazon de un sentimiento que pocos pueden sientir!
About Me

- Dixiana baby!!
- Welcome to my blog.I like writing,music,the great outdoors travel,shopping , new places,the adventure of marriage and the small pleasures of just out going love to meet new people probobly the sweetest person ull ever meet!!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Corazones sinceros y traicioneros
Hoy en dia en quien uno puede confiar pedir ayuda contarle un secreto?Si me preguntan a mi a nadie!Hoy uno sique la vida como puede.Quien quiere tener amigos que lo unico que hacen es envidiar oh familia que enves de ver a uno feliz tratan de hacer a uno sentir mal porque ellos no estan feliz.Quiero saber si hoy existe el buen amigo que sea leal como un hermano?Lo unico que veo es personas con envidia, furia, algunos sinceros otros traicioneros.Yo se que todos tenemos problemas personales si por mi fuera le daria para atras al tiempo sanarias las heridas que marcaron todo los corazones.En este mundo hay guente que se creen sabios solo creen en su opinion pero en fin sale en un camino mal. Y igual hay familia que traicionan y no perdonan a sus hermanos pero asi mismo dios no perdonan los pecados que hacen ellos. Y tambien hay esas guente o amigos que un dia aparecen en el mundo que ayudan sin pedir nada acambio y por su nobleza dios los ayuda diario.Es triste que hay amigos guente que traicionan y mas ala guente que son mas sinceras.Que es lo que la guente quiere yo se Dinero, belleza,fama es lo que todo el mundo quiere.Yo quiciera que todos fueramo lideres en cambio toda la guente quiere ser seguidores y siempre Hay alquien que admira ala persona que es un lider.Alli donde digo yo en el mundo todo tiene consequencia uno trata de ayudar como ensenarle a alguien algo y al final ellos quieren dar instrucciones.Aveses la familia y amigos solo se buscan cuando quieren un favor y si uno dice que no le sacan en cara cuanto ellos han hecho por uno que mal digo yo.Cuando uno quiere ser un favor lo hace de corazon no por otra razon. La guente que saca en cara lo que a hecho para otras personas sea amigo o familia para mi no sirbe.Yo no se como la guente piensa hoy en dia se envuelven en estupideses y todo le va mal se creen que todo se lo merecen y solo se enganan.La guente que ayuda siempre se le agradese y eso es lo que motiva ala guente a seguir haciendolo. Mi guente asi son los sentimientos de toda la guente en el mundo pero nunca es tarde para cambiar NUNCA!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Una mirada basto...
Desde el dia en que me miraste en ese mismo instante descifre que tu serias para mi y pense que talvez conoserte no fue casualidad. Cada ves que pensaba en ti se enciendia mi corazon. Cada ves que te acercavas a mi sentia que me cortabas la respirasion.Avese pienso que vivo en una carcel de amor ai me tienes atrapada soy tu esclava. De mis labios, de mi cuerpo ,de las noches de fuego ,de mi piel ,de mi amor mis carisias, de todos mis secretos eres tu el dueno.Quien lo iba decir que el fuera la cura de mi enfermedad la paz que tanto me falto.El es el que yo creia inalcanzable el imposible hombre que yo esperaba un dia tener el hombre que siempre quise tener.En este mundo no hay quien controle el amor de hecho lo quiero lo amo a el y nadie mas.Yo por el le doy mi vida mi alma entera hasta la sangre en mis venas es mas toda mi exsistensia.Recuerdo cuando lo conosi me negaba y decia que no estaba enamorada mientras mis ojos demostraban pasion y me estaba muriendo de amor por dentro. Siempre quiero que nuestro amor se quede igual y nunca cambie. En mis libros que escribo de ti se conserva la historia de dos enamorados las novelas y poesias de amor las estoy viviendo a tu lado.Yo digo que si antes de inventarse el amor yo ya te estaba amando y que ni el amor de romeo y julieta llego hacer tan grande. Voy hacer sincera y confieso que lo amo tanto y este amor nunca lo voy a olvidar pork los amores reales siempre quedan grabados.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
My Nightmares...
People may ask Wat are Nightmares? I can tell you Nightmares are disturbing visual dreams that occur in your mind and wake you up from your sleep. They are very common and can happen at any age. In some cases Nightmares can be related to problems the person is having in a daily life. When i was small i remember my mom would rent scary movies all the time that's when i started having Nightmares. I watched pet sementary, exorcist, amity ville horror and many more.I had many Nightmares but the ones that i always remember are the ones that either my mom or sister are possessed and they look like the girl in the exorcist very creepy i wake up sweaty and terrified just happy i finally woke up.Every time i went to bed id run to my bed cause i thought something was gonna grab my feet under my bed.I'll tell you of one of my dreams I remember just trying to find my sister and i looked for her all over the house so since i couldn't find her i went to the attic. I'm climbing the stairs n its very dark when I'm up there I'm looking but she was always behind me just starring at me so i kinda felt like she was but i new something was not right. So my dad n other people are trying to get her to come out but they were to scared to go up and my sister starts throwing rocks at us. I new it really wasn't her their was something evil in her. Then i can just remember the guys carrying her in to the car trying to put her in the trunk of the car so we can lock her some where and while we think were safe the radio turns on and its playing some rock music saying your all gonna die and go to hell this evil most scary voice and my alarm sounded i woke up my heart was beating so fast. Another one i had when i was in 6th grade i can just remember going to bed and in my dream I'm walking towards the day light and a girl in the middle of the grass n while im going towards her its my sister n my mom my mom is stabbing her n when shes stabbing her shes looking at me n she also looks possessed and she starts chasing me and i wake up.The other day i had a dream i was in a church and people were coming in and all of a sudden this lady comes up to me looks like she about to have an attack and she grabs me shaking me it was so scary all i wanted to do was wake up or close my eyes and imagine that lady didn't look the way she did n wasn't in front of me.I think the scariest Nightmare can be when your getting chased and their is no where you can hide cause no matter Wat's chasing you will get you. In reality they say some Nightmares will go away if you face Wat your scared of and when you do you ll see Wat you've been really afraid of. I just have one question for my readers will you rather face your fear or live your life full of Nightmares?
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
If tomorrow never comes...
Sometimes at night i lie awake i watch my kids and husband sleep their lost in these peaceful dreams. I shut off the lights and lay in the dark and i think till it hurts, i think what if i never wake up in the morning would the people i most love doubt how much i loved them? If tomorrow never comes will my kids and husband my mom and sis know how much i loved them and how i tryed in every way to show them my love?If time on earth were through and they must face it without me ill promise to always protect my loved once.But for now on just in case tomorrow never comes I'll let my loved once now how much they mean to me avoid arguing their isn't a second chances so why not live my life happy and make my loved once smile.For my two angels : Cristian,Danny if tomorrow never comes i want you to know you both are very special from the start i held both of you in my arms i love you both with all my heart you both are the greatest blessings i couldn't love you both more for the little boys that you are the special little mans you are now and the precious sons you will always be and know you will always remain in my heart. For my husband : If tomorrow never comes i want you yo know i see you work hard and I'm proud of you through our up and downs i love you just the way you are i have stand beside you through these years ans Ive cryed but most of them were happy tears.Before i met you i was in the darkness i was shut in this dark world you appeared in my life changed my world form night to light you showed me love protection aim thankful that god sent you to me you hold my heart in your hands I'm glad i took this wonderful journey with you in the end we found each other no matter what ill always love you.For my Mother i shed tears that your still here by my side and i smile because you are there for me no matter Wat thank you for bringing me to this world and teaching me things because of you aim here today i want you to know that i love you even though i may not show it all the time and even if my childhood wasn't the best i know people make mistakes and you tryed your best to give me your all and if tomorrow never comes i want you to know i love you mom.For my sister where do i start we have laughed.cried, fought we shared so many memories i always looked up to you and still do your the best sister anyone could wish to have i just want to see you happy and if tomorrow never comes i want you to know their wasn't a day you weren't on my mind or your kids you ll always be my angel.If tomorrow never comes i just want to tell you all you've made my life meaningful and i enjoyed every second i spend with each of you from the bottom of my heart I love you all.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
LLegaste tu...
Yo estaba hundida ahogada en la soledad mi corazon lloraba de un vacio total.Intente todo y todavia mi corazon estaba triste todo lo intenete para ser feliz pero nada funsiono.Derepente un dia llegaste tu y todo cambio yo volvi a nacer. Tu llenaste el vacio que tenia mi corazon eras tu mi nesesidad y mi solucion.Desde ese entonces yo quiese saber todo de tu vida queria saber de tus dias.Me siento y pienso como tu sin saber cambiaste toda mi vida.Lo que es sierto es que tengo una sed de amarte y me hace tan feliz yo quiero amanecer siempre contigo en tus brazos.Quiero que me beses como si el mundo se acabara despues sin razon sin compasion.Yo solo quiero que te quedes conmigo sin condision.Como explicarte este amor que eh sentido desde que llegaste a mi vida yo quisiera ser enquien piensas noche y dia quisiera ser la luz que alumbre tu mirada ,quisiera ser el aire cuando respiras cuando te rias yo hacer tu alegria.Tu estas en mi mente las 24 horas.Te pido perdon si pido mas de lo que me puedes dar si grito cuando debo calllar.Lo que es sierto es que si hai alquien que amo es a ti.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
As long as you love me....
When I'm alone in my living room i stare at the wall and in the back of me mind I hear my conscience call telling me Can this be true?Can this be real? How can i show him how i feel?Wow never thought that love can feel like this and how he changes my world with just one kiss.I even think god must of spent a little more time on him because hes amazing.I don't want to go another day without telling him exactly how i feel.I see couples breaking up throwing their love away but i know i got a good thing right now him this is why i say nobody going to love me better im sticking with him forever.He's got something that i just cant get enough of he keeps me wanting more and more.I tell him for his loving ima die hard like Bruce Willis lol!Its not that i can live without him it's just that i don't even want to try. He has the power to make me weak inside and without him i would be incomplete.I just want to say the right words and be his dream girl so i can always find my way in to his heart.When i first met him my life turned a page chapter one was how true love was made he taught me romance we both were and still are writing a book of our love.My heart was searching for a home and guess wat it finally found one.Love showed up at my life that summer day and when i first saw him i already new their was something different about him something i thought that id never find.I keep thinking how he changed my world and helped me grow and when i almost lost all hope when i use to think that i could not go on and life was nothing but an awful song but he showed me true love actually existed .I can remember each memory with him has if it were new.When I close my eyes i feel like I'm lost in this fairytale because he's like a beautiful nightmare. I mention him when I say my prayers i wrap him around my thoughts.Hes like my temporary high. When i think about it i was the one that said i loved you first it was a few years ago we were laying in his moms living room cause we couldn't be alone lol even his mom new i was sumting else she new how i felt.Back then we were young and in school how i miss those days but its OK because we are making better memories now.If i had a bottle with a genie in it id wish our love to never end for it just to always begin this feeling i feel are so deep sometimes i feel like their made believe.But if i ever loose you i swear i wouldn't know Wat to do ill probably check myself in a clinic cause without him I'm sick.I only think about the date,the time.the seconds we met. Its crazy how everything reminds me of him poems,songs,places.He asks me all the time if through the years i see him the same way cause we both physically change ,I tell him don't you know you'll always be the cutest guy ever so let me reassure you baby my feeling are unconditional. I will love him even when his hair turns grey ill still love him if he gains a little weight.I'm not impressed more or less by them boys on TV or magazines honestly i believe everyhting about him makes me feel like i have the greatest gift in the world. I couldn't see my self with any other person.I want him to know that he don't have to worry about anything cause his all i want and need.The way i feel will always remain the same just as long as his love don't change!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Has your relationship changed from OMFG to WTF here's some advise part 2?
I have talked about a few tips on how to light up that candle in your relationship in part 1 hope it helps. I can truly say if a guy or a girl is in a relationship where they find themselves tryna make things work and it doesn't well the best thing is to separate. If he or she wont put any effort then it ain't worth it and i know for some couples its hard because its been years of being with the same person your use to the routine and to split up its like the end of the world.Fact is some couples are not made for each other they are together for other reason but none of them are love.Also in all relationships theirs arguments we say things we didn't mean so don't be ashamed of that is part of life we all disagree with people just like with our couple. but make sure you apologize if needed.Every relationship always looks for the same thing someone ,who they can talk to someone ,to share their secrets late at night when they cant sleep someone, someone, to feel comfortable with someone, they can hug when their scared someone, they can feel that they love them without them saying it.Guys you have to make the girl feel like shes the only girl in the world.Lady's treat your man with love and affection because their like little boys who want all your attention.I can say cheating is a wrong way of going about your problems with your couple.I understand that their is always temptation that attraction towards someone else but really are you going to destroy the relationship you build for years months weeks for a few minutes of pleasure? but if it gets to the point where you want to be with someone else break up.Their is no perfect relationship its like stories movies they don't have a clear start or end you need to know how to change the situation and make the best of it.Always talk speak to one another tell them what you like about them Wat you dislike about them and you'll have a happy relationship.A relationship full of love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it, everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it, those who do will cherish it, wont lost it, its a wildly misunderstood feeling although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain!! I wish every couple good luck and hope your both happy!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Dear God,
I hate to bother you God,but I just want you to hear me out!Everyday i go out see that the worlds is getting crazier.I prey but i wont deny at times i just want to give up on everything till you light up my way and show me the road you made for me to live.God your like a mirror to me. The mirror never changes, but everybody who looks at it sees something different.I get sad because i feel like people take your words and they try to twist them around and the worst part is some of those people are the religious ones who say they speak for you or in your name.I even hear some people saying "Whats the use in believing in god anyways" and it breaks my heart although I'm sorry i may have said that once when i was lost and couldn't or didn't want to see the light.If people can only see problems are every where some have it worst then others but the only person that can help anyone is you our God and you know what we all go threw you see when we are happy and sad but yet us has humans never ask for your help wich you can just make our pain heal has fast has a blink of an eye.It feel like people are searching for a easy solution towards their life but they cant see beyond their selfish ways.I ask of you lord to make me stronger not because I'm weak just because i know I'm human and i need a little push at times to not fall and keep my head up. I can say we do get confused on the message you send out to us sometimes.I do believe you will one day speak to me or send me a signal when i most need it.I know you may be disappointed in things i may have done and i know that i run away from the truth at times. I'm just looking for some answers but cant seem to find them. All i ask from you is to help me out.I hope you hear me out every time i prey.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Munchos le llaman 'Mi Novela" yo le llamo "Mis Sentimientos"!
Todo cambio cuando te vi y fue tan facil querete tanto.Todos los dias pienso en ese dia en que te conosi fue como un sueno divino que se iso posible y ahora vivo enamorada y loca por ti!!
Yo nunca pense que algun dia me enamoraria tanto que sin tu amor no viviria pero la vida me a demostrado que las cosas buenas llegan en cualquier momento y nunca pense que iva conoser este sentimiento. Lo siento aki en mi pecho y me corre por mis venas me llerbe la sangre. Nuestro amor es como una novela o una historia de adas ya contada donde yo soy julieta y el mi romeo.Cada manana me levanto pensando en todas las cosas lindas que hemos pasado quiero estar siempre a tu lado y te confieso eres todo lo que pedia lo que mi alma vacia queria lo que por tanto yo esperaba.Ya no tengo corazon ni ojos para nadie solo para ti eres el amor de mi vida y hoy que pienso en el pasado es que entiendo que a tu lado siempre pertenesi.Tu has llegado a encender cada parte de mi eres el motivo y la ilusion de mi existir eres mi locura y pongo en tus manos mi destino pork vivo solo para siempre estare contigo!Yo estoy segura que pueden pensar que estoy loca y es verdad un poco pero de amor eres ese delincuente que me tiene de mente.Nunca me eh sentido tan amada por alquien pero tu me has ensenado lo que es amar y ser amado.Aver si ahora puedes entender que cuando me tocas me quemas mi piel aver si puedes entender que yo doy todo por ti pork es que cuando yo desido amar es hasta el fin entiende que yo desde siempre soy de ti.Quiero que sepas que nadie te va amar como yo, soy sincera cuando te lo digo nadie te conose mejor que yo tus gustos como darte un beso como y cuando hacerte las cosas para alquien emamorarte tendrian que preguntarme como te conquiste y anotar mis truquitos en papel o volver a nacer para aver si en otra vida te enamorarias otraves por que yo soy duena de tu corazon.Lo unico que te pido es que siempre me ames como yo te amo a ti nunca kuiero que me digas que lo nuestro termino que ya no encuentras una conexion y que me reclames que estas harto de todo y k en nuestra relacion nunca ubo pas y si pasara te digo que mi corazon no aguantaria y va dejar de palpitar y ai es cuando enpesare a preocuparme y te dire mirame a los ojos dime que es sierto que todavia me amas? por que nunca quiero que nuestro amor se acabe por que este amor de tantos anos no puede morir tan facil nuestra historia a un fin nunca puede llagar!Y si algun dia pasara tuviera que esplicarle a mi corazon que ya tu no vas a estar y finjir para k no se destrose mas,te amo tanto que sin ti ni pudiera vivir por que lo unico que aria es pensar en ti y mi corazon da gritos siempre llamandote y sin ti mi corazon solo sentiria dolor.Te quiero decir que se que no soy facil de soportar pero tu me amas como soy y te pido perdon si me aloco aveses pero te amo por tu aceptarme tal y como soy.En mi vida eres un milagro contigo no ay un dia gris o noches frias antes de dormir.Contigo yo soy mas que yo por que al quererte queria hacer mejor y tu amor me da la fuerza y me alsa.Todavia pudiera decirte mil cosas pero lo mas importante es que 'TE AMO'! Es increible este amor tan bello lleno de alegria que aveses creo que me lo invento pero por que te conosi como nina y ahora soy tu mujer y siempre lo sere!!!03-06-10
Yo nunca pense que algun dia me enamoraria tanto que sin tu amor no viviria pero la vida me a demostrado que las cosas buenas llegan en cualquier momento y nunca pense que iva conoser este sentimiento. Lo siento aki en mi pecho y me corre por mis venas me llerbe la sangre. Nuestro amor es como una novela o una historia de adas ya contada donde yo soy julieta y el mi romeo.Cada manana me levanto pensando en todas las cosas lindas que hemos pasado quiero estar siempre a tu lado y te confieso eres todo lo que pedia lo que mi alma vacia queria lo que por tanto yo esperaba.Ya no tengo corazon ni ojos para nadie solo para ti eres el amor de mi vida y hoy que pienso en el pasado es que entiendo que a tu lado siempre pertenesi.Tu has llegado a encender cada parte de mi eres el motivo y la ilusion de mi existir eres mi locura y pongo en tus manos mi destino pork vivo solo para siempre estare contigo!Yo estoy segura que pueden pensar que estoy loca y es verdad un poco pero de amor eres ese delincuente que me tiene de mente.Nunca me eh sentido tan amada por alquien pero tu me has ensenado lo que es amar y ser amado.Aver si ahora puedes entender que cuando me tocas me quemas mi piel aver si puedes entender que yo doy todo por ti pork es que cuando yo desido amar es hasta el fin entiende que yo desde siempre soy de ti.Quiero que sepas que nadie te va amar como yo, soy sincera cuando te lo digo nadie te conose mejor que yo tus gustos como darte un beso como y cuando hacerte las cosas para alquien emamorarte tendrian que preguntarme como te conquiste y anotar mis truquitos en papel o volver a nacer para aver si en otra vida te enamorarias otraves por que yo soy duena de tu corazon.Lo unico que te pido es que siempre me ames como yo te amo a ti nunca kuiero que me digas que lo nuestro termino que ya no encuentras una conexion y que me reclames que estas harto de todo y k en nuestra relacion nunca ubo pas y si pasara te digo que mi corazon no aguantaria y va dejar de palpitar y ai es cuando enpesare a preocuparme y te dire mirame a los ojos dime que es sierto que todavia me amas? por que nunca quiero que nuestro amor se acabe por que este amor de tantos anos no puede morir tan facil nuestra historia a un fin nunca puede llagar!Y si algun dia pasara tuviera que esplicarle a mi corazon que ya tu no vas a estar y finjir para k no se destrose mas,te amo tanto que sin ti ni pudiera vivir por que lo unico que aria es pensar en ti y mi corazon da gritos siempre llamandote y sin ti mi corazon solo sentiria dolor.Te quiero decir que se que no soy facil de soportar pero tu me amas como soy y te pido perdon si me aloco aveses pero te amo por tu aceptarme tal y como soy.En mi vida eres un milagro contigo no ay un dia gris o noches frias antes de dormir.Contigo yo soy mas que yo por que al quererte queria hacer mejor y tu amor me da la fuerza y me alsa.Todavia pudiera decirte mil cosas pero lo mas importante es que 'TE AMO'! Es increible este amor tan bello lleno de alegria que aveses creo que me lo invento pero por que te conosi como nina y ahora soy tu mujer y siempre lo sere!!!03-06-10
Friday, January 7, 2011
"My confession"
This is dedicated to a person that i would do anything for that i love with all my heart.I can explain to you how much i love you like id do anything for you id throw my hand on a blade for you jump in front of a train for you and i would go through all this pain because i love you!I cant tell you how my heart breaks when i see a frown on your face and i would stop the time and go back to a time when u just had a smile on your face because all i want is to see you happy.I feel like their has been a change in our great friendship and even at times i feel like you hate me when all i actually want is your love.Ill never forget when we were Small you would Feed me dress me while my mom was working and when i grew up you'd act has if you were my actual mother. It hurts when i try to talk to you like before its like I'm screaming and you still don't hear me I'm hanging of a thread slipping off the edge i wanna just start over again so i hold on in my heart those childhood memories you use to guide me when i was lost now i feel like all you do is at time push me away has if i didn't matter to you any more and i try not to think of this pain i feel inside don't you know you always been my hero.I'm happy and i have everything i always wished but how can i be happy if i cant share my joy with you.All i want is you to be that sister the one who would always be their for me the one who would protect me from the world who would make me see the day when i was i the dark and know I'm writing this and I'm crying because i love you with all my heart and to feel how Am feeling to be in a way disappointed in you and hurt by you is really killing me inside i wish i can turn back time.I'm hurt because you think I'm selfish or a hypocrite but the truth is i am Wat i am i have my defects and may say the wrong things but not really mean it i know you know me more than anyone so why judge my feeling instead ask me why do i feel this Way and ill explain and please try to understand in only human i have a sensitive heart but only you can hurt me so easily.May b i feel this way because i expect more from you because I'm willing to so so much for you and i expect that same from you!We fought, we make up. We laughed at jokes that no one can understand. We said some of the meanest things to each other. We defended each other. We did some of the silliest things together and there's so many stories to be remembered when we are together.You helped me up allot of times i was down thank you and
Through some of the harshest times, we became attached to one another. Yet through it all, the coldness we eventually melt away and have this great bond.How can i explain i miss you and i want things to be the same no lies,no secrets just plain truth without me or you judging each other.I just want to say sorry if i ever hurt you sorry if im not a perfect sister.It hurts when you don't motivate me anymore like before because all i want is for you to be proud of me.I know your going through a tough time but their are miracles in life look inside you and god will direct you to happiness. Even if you are the way you are ill always love you no doubt your eyes makes the stars look like they are not shining your hair is fall perfectly without you trying your a great person and when i see your theirs nothing i wouldn't change cause when you want to be your an amazing person and When it seems like there's no one left to run to in this empty world you can come to me I'll be your shooting star. You can tell me your dreams I can't promise to make them come true, but I'll be there to pick up the pieces of your broken heart if your dreams happen to fall through.P.S I want you to know your one of the best things that god gave me in life my angel i love you!
From my heart to you
"My sister"
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